The qualified electronic signature is not so black as he is painted #banking #sales #qualified electronic signature Not so long ago, a qualified electronic signature, which, according to eIDAS is equivalent to a handwritten signature, was used sporadically in B2C or B2B contracts. The main barrier was the fact that only few people (including company representatives) had a qualified electronic signature. Iwona Jedyńska 28 Sep 2020 · 5 min read
Our story into core banking and the birth of Advantica Cloud Core Banking #banking #cloud #core What was our beginning? How did we get our knowledge of banking systems? It's our story into core banking and the birth of the Advantica Cloud Core Banking. Krzysztof Krzos 25 Sep 2020 · 5 min read
The path of digital transformation to invisible banks? #banking #digitaltransformation Advantica as a solution for the banking industry of the future. According to Business Insider research, in 2020, 75% of large financial institutions are implementing solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their benefits are yet to be seen in the upcoming year. Iwona Jedyńska 18 Sep 2020 · 5 min read
Some tips on how to pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam #kubernetes Some tips on how to pass the Certified Kubernets Administrator (CKA) exam - with examples. Daniel Mroczkowski 17 Aug 2020 · 5 min read
We joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and became an official Kubernetes Certified Service Provider #cloud #kubernetes We would like to share our experience and actively participate in the global development of the cloud environment, and we believe that participation in the program will provide us with even greater opportunities to promote the latest cloud technologies that our clients appreciate. Michał Srokosz 5 Aug 2020 · 1 min read
Microservices – strengths and weaknesses: Part3 Meeting objectives #microservices #architecture #cloud Microservices are great architecture for various IT areas. It supports the successes of many organizations, but on the other hand is often subject to quite strong criticism. How to avoid possible problems and properly use the mechanisms provided by microservices? Piotr Martyniuk 28 Jul 2020 · 18 min read