Integration Platform

Data exchange between
an unlimited number of systems
in the organization

Without limits

Business Integration Platform (BPI) platform offers secure and efficient data exchange between all installed applications in the organization. Original architecture and many years of experience have allowed us to create a product that can integrate an unlimited number of systems while maintaining the highest standards of security and performance.

Security first

A key issue in the process of data exchange between systems or applications is to ensure data security and integrity. Unauthorized interference is considered to be a data change or input from an unauthorized source. It is also important to prevent the view of exchanged data. We have introduced complementary security mechanisms in our system.
Non-qualified digital signatures support
Enables the integrated applications to use the signature as a consumer or data producer.
Encryption of the content of exchanged data
Ability to encrypt files or messages, e.g. WS-Security for WebServices.
Data signing
Business rule engine signs critical business data in a database.
Cryptographic shortcuts
Use of dedicated B2B applications that do not use digital signatures.

Why Softax Business Integration Platform?

Learn about the most important features of our system, thanks to which you will improve management in your organization.
Easy adaptation
Use of a uniform and XML-based BPIMF message format.
Built-in flow templates facilitate and simplify modeling of business processes.
Platform supports synchronous and asynchronous communication.
Full control
Possibility to define calendars, schedules, notifications and various reports.
Built-in modules
Support for popular gateways to systems that are used in banks and financial institutions.
We guarantee a non-invasive integration that does not require costly reconstruction of your architecture.

Technical event monitor

Built-in console is responsible for monitoring all processes in the organization in one place. The operator has the ability to: view the list of running components, report on technical errors, obtain information about performance or create statistics from any area.

Built-in managers that make work easier

Use of cooperating managers allows you to perform and monitor arbitrarily composed data flows between systems.

Implementation of business processes according to a previously defined model.


Support for calendars, system hours, holidays, stop client operations, stop system, stop message.


Schedule and modify schedules and initiate tasks according to time rules.


Defining and handling versioning of messages within defined streams of processed data.

Back Office

Simplified user management and definition of profiles responsible for grouping permission sets.


Configuration of SMS/email notifications regarding processed rules and emergency situations.


Defining and creating reports on processing or concerning processed business data.

Use of Business Integration Platform

Simplified diagram showing the use of BPI to integrate our proprietary Advantica core banking system with the organization's external IT infrastructure.

Choose a proven solution from the best software provider

The system is resistant to failures of individual components, and parameters with versions are changed without interruptions in the availability of services. We managed to achieve this thanks to the use of distributed architecture, which further makes it easier to scale and rebuild the system.
Carefully designed architecture allows you to integrate an unlimited number of systems. Our product successfully integrates over 40 systems in one of the largest banks in Poland.
Corporate service bus we offer is a proven and reliable solution with proven performance. Our platform enables processing millions of messages and tens of thousands of files during the day.

Cooperation with Softax has many benefits for you

24/7/365 support
cloud implementation
individual offer
highest security standards
advanced technologies
proprietary solutions
integration with existing infrastructure

Fraud detection

Our proprietary Interactive Fraud Detector is responsible for actively preventing fraud in the network in our systems.

Interactive Fraud Detector

Do you need secure and efficient data exchange in your organization? Contact us.

Contact us directly at softax@softax.pl